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MathBuildUpFlags Enumeration
Options for converting linear-format math to a built-up form.

Namespace: TextObjectModel
Assembly: ManagedTOM2 (in ManagedTOM2.dll) Version: 1.0.5577.41188
public enum MathBuildUpFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
None0No options.
ChemicalFormula4096Use chemical formula conversions.
HaveDelimiter32A delimiter follows insertion points (formula automatic buildup).
Alphabetics4Use math alphabetics for English/Greek letters except for math function names.
ApplyTemplate16384Apply an object template to a range.
ArabicAlphabetics8388608Use Arabic math alphabetics for variables.
AutoCorrect256Internal math autocorrect standard math \ keywords.
AutoCorrectExt33554432Invoke external autocorrect in manual build up.
AutoCorrectOpPairs16777216Autocorrect operator pairs.
Backspace1048576Handle the Backspace key inside a math object.
BuildDown8192Build down instead of up.
BuildDownOutermost2048Build down only outermost objects.
BuildUpArgOrZone512Build up insertion points argument or zone.
BuildUpRecurse1024Enable recursive build up.
CollapseSel128Collapse the selection after build up or build down.
DeleteArg458752Delete the argument at the start of the range.
DeleteArg1524288Delete argument 1 (0-based count).
DeleteArg2589824Delete argument 2 (0-based count).
DeleteCol393216Delete a column.
DeleteRow327680Delete a row.
Enter1114112Handle the Enter key inside a math object.
InsColAfter262144Insert a column or separator after the current argument.
InsColBefore196608Insert a column or separator before the current argument.
InsRowAfter131072Insert a row below the insertion point.
InsRowBefore65536Insert a row above the insertion point.
MakeFracLinear655360Change to a linear fraction.
MakeFracSlashed786432Change to a slashed fraction.
MakeFracStacked720896Change to a stacked fraction.
MakeLeftSubSup851968Change from superscript/subscript to left superscript/subscript.
MakeSubSup917504Change left superscript/subscript to superscript/subscript.
RemoveOutermost32768Build down the outermost object without its characters.
RichEdit1073741824Handle minor differences between the rich edit control and Word.
ShiftTab1179648Handle the Shift+Tab key combination inside a math object.
SingleChar8Single character typed for build up.
Subscript1507328Handle the Ctrl+= key combination in a math zone.
Superscript1572864Handle the Ctrl+Shift+= key combination in a math zone.
Tab1245184Handle the Tab key inside a math object.
NeedTermOp2A terminating operator is needed. Only used with a degenerate range for formula autobuildup.
Plain16Build down for plain text.
ShowEmptyArgPlaceholders67108864Don't hide empty argument placeholders on build-up.
TeX1Enables TeX syntax for build up/down operations.
See Also