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BoxAlign Enumeration
Alignment values for box objects (Box).

Namespace: TextObjectModel
Assembly: ManagedTOM2 (in ManagedTOM2.dll) Version: 1.0.5577.41188
public enum BoxAlign
  Member nameValueDescription
BoxAlignCenter1Vertically align with center on baseline.
SpaceDefault0Default spacing
SpaceUnary4Space the object as if it were a unary operator.
SpaceBinary8Space the object as if it were a binary operator.
SpaceRelational12Space the object as if it were a relational operator.
SpaceSkip16Space the object as if it were a unary operator.
SpaceOrd20Space the object as if it were an ordinal operator.
SpaceDifferential24Space the object as if it were a differential operator.
SizeText32Treat as text size.
SizeScript64Treat as script size (approximately 73% of text size).
SizeScriptScript96Treat as subscript size (approximately 60% of text size).
NoBreak128Do not break arguments across a line.
TransparentForPositioning256Position as if only the argument appears.
TransparentForSpacing512Space according to argument properties.
See Also