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TextObjectModel Namespace

Contains managed wrapper classes for Microsoft's Text Object Model (TOM) interfaces (e.g. ITextDocument, ITextRange, etc).

The top-level object in this implementation is the TextDocument class. The most common usage scenario is to create an instance from a RichTextBox control. This library also includes the RichTextBoxEx control, which provides access to advanced RichEdit functionality.

For more information, refer to the Text Object Model documentation or visit the TOM Classes for .NET project page.

Public classDocumentProperties
(TOM 2 only) Provides access to the document properties for a TextDocument.
Public classMathProperties
(TOM 2 only) Provides access to the math properties for a TextDocument.
Public classPreferredFontInfo
(TOM 2 only) Contains preferred font information that was requested for a particular document.
Public classRichTextBoxEx
Extends RichTextBox to allow the underlying RichEdit control to be loaded from either the shared Microsoft Office DLL or the Windows MSFTEDIT.DLL library.
Public classTextDocument
Represents a top-level document in the Text Object Model (TOM).
Public classTextExtensions
Contains extension methods for performing additional operations on Text Object Model (TOM) types.
Public classTextFont
Provides access to the character format in a text range.
Public classTextPara
Provides access to the paragraph format for a text range.
Public classTextRange
Represents a range of text in a document in the Text Object Model (TOM).
Public classTextRow
(TOM 2 only) Provides methods to insert one or more identical table rows, and to retrieve and change table row properties.
Public classTextSelection
Represents a text range with selection highlighting.
Public classTextStory
(TOM 2 only) Represents a story in a document.
Public classTextStoryRanges
Enumerates through the stories in a TextDocument.
Public classTextStrings
(TOM 2 only) Represents a collection of rich-text strings that are useful for manipulating rich text.
Public structureInlineObjectProperties
(TOM 2 only) Provides access to the inline object properties for a TextRange.
Public enumerationBoxAlign
Alignment values for box objects (Box).
Public enumerationBoxedFormulaAlign
Alignment values for boxed formula objects (BoxedFormula).
Public enumerationBracketsAlign
Alignment values for bracket objects (Brackets).
Public enumerationCaretType
Caret types.
Public enumerationCellMergeFlags
Indicates whether a cell part of a horizontal or vertical merged cell set.
Public enumerationCharacterEffects
Character effects.
Public enumerationCharacterEffects2
Additional character effects.
Public enumerationCharRepertoire
Character repertoire indices.
Public enumerationClientRectangleFlags
Flags indicating how to retrieve the client rectangle for a document.
Public enumerationEastAsianCompressionMode
Compression mode for East Asian characters.
Public enumerationEastAsianFlags
East Asian flags.
Public enumerationEquationArrayAlign
Alignment values for equation array objects (EquationArray).
Public enumerationFontAlignment
Font alignment modes.
Public enumerationFontWeight
Font weights supported by the Text Object Model.
Public enumerationHorizontalPosition
Horizontal positions.
Public enumerationInlineObjectType
Types of inline/math objects.
Public enumerationLinkType
Hyperlink types.
Public enumerationListNumberingFormat
Other types of formatting for a numbered list.
Public enumerationListType
Built-in list paragraph styles supported by the Text Object Model.
Public enumerationMathBrkBin
Math equation line break type.
Public enumerationMathBrkBinSub
Duplicate mask for minus operator.
Public enumerationMathBuildFlags
Options for building math.
Public enumerationMathBuildUpFlags
Options for converting linear-format math to a built-up form.
Public enumerationMathDispAlign
Display-mode alignment for math.
Public enumerationMathDocDiff
Style for math differentials.
Public enumerationMathDocEmptyArg
Empty arguments display style for math.
Public enumerationMathFunctionType
Math function types.
Public enumerationMathLinearizeFlags
Options for linearizing math.
Public enumerationMathTeXStyle
TeX styles for math.
Public enumerationMatrixAlign
Alignment values for matrix objects (Matrix).
Public enumerationNaryAlign
Alignment values for n-ary objects (Nary).
Public enumerationOfficeMathMLMode
Options for converting Math RTF to Office MathML (OMML).
Public enumerationParagraphEffects
Paragraph effects.
Public enumerationPhantomAlign
Alignment values for phantom objects (Phantom).
Public enumerationPlainTextFlags
Flags affecting the conversion from rich text to plain text.
Public enumerationPreferredFontFlags
Preferred font options.
Public enumerationRadicalAlign
Alignment values for radical objects (Radical).
Public enumerationRangeAppendMode
Options for appending text to a range.
Public enumerationRangeGravity
Gravity values for a range.
Public enumerationRangeInsertMode
Options for inserting text into a range.
Public enumerationRangeMatchType
Flags governing comparisons in a text range.
Public enumerationRangePointFlags
Flags indicating how to retrieve the position for a range.
Public enumerationRangePosition
The endpoints of a range in the Text Object Model.
Public enumerationRangeShiftType
How the start or end of a range can be shifted.
Public enumerationRichTextFlags
Flags affecting the conversion from plain text to rich text.
Public enumerationRowApplyOptions
Controls how row formatting attributes are applied.
Public enumerationRubyAlign
Alignment values for ruby objects (Ruby).
Public enumerationStoryActiveState
Active states for stories in the Text Object Model.
Public enumerationStoryType
Story types in the Text Object Model.
Public enumerationStretchStackAlign
Alignment values for stretched stack objects (StretchStack).
Public enumerationSubSupAlign
Alignment values for subscript-superscript objects (SubSup).
Public enumerationTabRelativePosition
Relative tab positions.
Public enumerationTextAlignment
How text is aligned in a paragraph or cell.
Public enumerationTextCasing
Case changes supported by the Text Object Model.
Public enumerationTextEllipsisMode
Ellipsis modes.
Public enumerationTextEllipsisState
Ellipsis states.
Public enumerationTextOpenFlags
Additional options for opening a document in the Text Object Model.
Public enumerationTextOpenSave
Mutually exclusive options for opening/saving a document in the Text Object Model.
Public enumerationTextSaveFlags
Additional options for saving a document in the Text Object Model.
Public enumerationTextSelectionFlags
Flags indicating the attributes of a selection.
Public enumerationTextSelectionType
The type of a selection.
Public enumerationTextUnderlineColor
The underline colors supported by the Text Object Model.
Public enumerationTextUnderlineStyle
Types of underlining supported by the Text Object Model.
Public enumerationTextUnit
Types of units within the Text Object Model.
Public enumerationTOMVersion
Versions of the Text Object Model.
Public enumerationUnderlinePositionMode
Underline position modes.
Public enumerationVerticalPosition
Vertical positions.
See Also