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TextDocumentFromRichEditControl Method
Creates a TextDocument instance from a RichEdit control.

Namespace: TextObjectModel
Assembly: ManagedTOM2 (in ManagedTOM2.dll) Version: 1.0.5577.41188
public static TextDocument FromRichEditControl(
	IntPtr handle,
	[OptionalAttribute] bool enableAdvancedTypography


Type: SystemIntPtr
Handle to the native RichEdit control..
enableAdvancedTypography (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
Whether to enable advanced typography options in the control.

Return Value

Type: TextDocument
TextDocument instance representing the rich text document in the control.

The version of the RichEdit control determines the breadth of TOM functionality supported. Some methods and properties may not be available. Use the SupportedVersion property to determine which version of TOM the control supports.

See Also