You may remember quite an old post of mine about the shortcomings of ExtractAssociatedIcon() which, surprisingly, still gets a fair number of hits. In light of some of the feedback i’ve received since the original post, i’ve decided to update the code to include the following fixes and improvements: Both methods in IconTools now use SHGetFileInfo As… Continue reading

I’ve recently been doing a lot of work with the WinForms RichTextBox control, trying to implement the familiar red wavy underlines associated with spell-checking. After some research, I discovered that the underlying (native) RichEdit control used by the RichTextBox does in fact support this style of underlining. The catch? It is only accessible through the… Continue reading

“Reader Mode” – we’ve all used it, and whether we recognise it by name (or one of its many others, such as autoscroll, middle-click scroll, etc), we’ve come to expect it from the software we use the most – web browsers, text editors, e-mail clients and more. However, if you’ve been living under a rock… Continue reading

Since the introduction of the wheel mouse, being able to operate scroll bars without the need for precision or the use of the mouse buttons has proven to be a godsend. User interfaces became friendlier and smoother as a result. Unfortunately, the default handling of the MouseWheel event in Windows Forms is at-odds with the… Continue reading

Okay, so batch scripting may be regarded as a bit of a computing dinosaur these days (particularly following the rise of PowerShell)… but I argue that it still has legitimacy on the developer/power-user’s workstation. Batch scripts are still well-suited to: Startup scripts Scheduled tasks Macros …and they even function well as small utilities, installers, configuration… Continue reading